All content has been reviewed by a PhD from the preventive medicine department of the Faculty of Public Health of Sofia. ✅

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TestoFuel review, a bottle and a box of testofuel

TestoFuel Review: Boost T Levels by 203% + My Results

I challenge you to search the web for top testosterone boosters, I GUARANTEE you’ll eventually run into… yep, TestoFuel! This is what TestoFuel really is:

TestoFuel is a testosterone booster that contains natural ingredients (herbs, amino acids, vitamins etc.) designed to naturally increase your body’s own testosterone production.

I’ve personally tried it for 1 month and I experienced benefits such as increased vascularity and harder erections.

Try TestoFuel RISK-FREE Now for 90 Days!

Since increasing testosterone naturally and testosterone boosters go hand in hand.

It’ll also be logical to imagine folks bump into this product by also looking for a safe and natural alternative to steroids.

In essence, with this piece of writing, I’d like to explore the depths of TestoFuel and how you can utilize it for BEST results!

Did I enjoy taking it? Was it as effective as other people claim it is?

Not so soon my friend, we’ll get to that in a minute!

Quick Stats

  • Product: TestoFuel
  • Manufactured by: Roar Ambition
  • Price: $65 (special deals and discounts are available if you buy more than 1 bottle)
  • Where to buy: The official TestoFuel website
  • Guarantee: 90-day money-back (if you buy at least 3 boxes)
  • Tnerd’s Rating: 4.5/5


What is TestoFuel?

TestoFuel is a supplement designed to naturally increase testosterone production in the body by relying on tested and proven ingredients.

Courtesy of Roar Ambition (the company behind this booster), this product is praised by many, hated by almost no one out there.

For me this is always a tricky situation, you know – if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is?

Common sense and life have taught me that this holds true 99% of the time!

Obviously when you hear a large group of teenagers praising Justin Bieber’s new “hit“, you bet that the ‘sounds too good to be true’ statement is totally spot on.

Back to the reality of manly stuff (sorry JB), let me throw some of the perks of using TestoFuel according to the manufacturer:

  1. Real Muscle Growth
  2. Increased Strength
  3. Reduced Bodyfat
  4. Improved Mood
  5. Boosted Self-Esteem

So far so good as people say.

Testosteronerd Recommends Testogen for Naturally Boosting T levels

All of these are directly associated with more testosterone flowing through your system, so if you’re still unaware of what this translates to… okay.

They’re implying that their product works in raising your T levels.

I was genuinely interested in TestoFuel after reading about all that greatness, which comes in small red capsules.

So I thought that it’d be a smooth move to order me some of it, to fuel my testosterone (see what I did there?).

Before my own intake though, are you the right fit for this testosterone booster?

TestoFuel review, four TestoFuel boxes
You get the 90-day guarantee + added bonuses if you buy 3 or more bottles at once!

This is Who TestoFuel Is For

All men looking to naturally stimulate their own testosterone production.

And most people who experience the dreaded low testosterone symptoms are also good candidates for this T booster.

Generally, TestoFuel is a viable option for men who:

  • Look to fight back low testosterone
  • Try to increase their natural testosterone
  • Suffer from low libido
  • Have high estrogen levels
  • Have too much body fat (more fat=more estrogen)

It all boils down to these two categories.

I don’t care if it’s erectile dysfunction that bothers you, loads of fat around the belly and elsewhere, no muscle tone and strength, lack of manliness etc.

Actually, I DO care – that’s why I’m sharing all that useful info on my site with you guys!

So to sum it up – it doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80 (high five if you’re 80 and reading this).

If you want more testosterone in a natural manner, this supplement IS ideal for you.

It all sounds amazing and so this is where I introduce my own, personal intake from using this booster!

TestoFuel review, one bottle

My Personal Results From TestoFuel

In short, I was pleasantly surprised by the physical and psychological benefits of this product!

This supplement delivered on pretty much every level, from improving my libido to giving me more vascularity.

I took it as recommended on the label – 4 of these sexy red caps every single day, each taken separately with food.

The whole bottle of 120 capsules lasted me exactly one month (yes, captain obvious) so everything went smooth as butter in this aspect.

Quite obviously this was not the first time that I was taking a testosterone booster, so I knew what to or what NOT to expect from using this one.

What I noticed just after a week and that continued all the way until the end was:

  • Increased vascularity (especially during training).
  • An elevated alpha male attitude.
  • Improved morning wood and erections.
  • Much more physical strength (both in and out of the gym).
  • A visibly increased positive outlook on life.

All of this with such details like being hornier, more dominant and more aggressive.

Also the generally uplifted mood and feeling of well-being and of course the body recomposition elements such as increased muscularity, vascularity etc.

  Buy TestoFuel NOW and Take Advantage of Superb Discounts!  

I managed to gain a bit more than 2 kg/s from the whole cycle, and even if I did make minor adjustments to my diet in terms of consuming slightly more calories.

I can tell that most of it was muscle mass, not lard. And that’s taking into account that I’m guilty of not eating so clean, although I do try and avoid junk as much as possible.

I Didn’t Feel Any Serious TestoFuel Side Effects

I can only report on two aspects that could fall under the negative category while using this testosterone booster:

  • Sometimes unjustified aggressiveness
  • Hard to control horniness at times

Call it placebo or whatever you like, but my time being on TestoFuel was awesome and I had a BLAST!

Would gladly try it once more in the future, maybe even for a longer period of at least two months.

As it’s designed to enhance your virility and male power all naturally, this baby is formulated or should I say re-formulated to include the latest fancy T-boosting ingredients.

Let’s take a closer look now, shall we?

TestoFuel review, ingredients - supplement facts

TestoFuel Ingredients

Now, I’d like to take a close look at EACH and EVERY one of the ingredients stuffed inside TestoFuel.

Beef has loads of Aspartic acid in it, don’t forget this!

TestoFuel review, inredients - D-Aspartic acid, beef
Beef has loads of Aspartic acid in it, don’t forget this!

D-Aspartic Acid (Increases T by 20%)

Dose per serving: 2300 mg

A rock star among testosterone boosters of all kinds, this alpha-amino acid is a staple in many gym-goers’ arsenal, for a good reason.

A study by The Open Nutraceuticals Journal has found that DAA can boost testoerone in healthy folks by up to 10% and up to 20% in men with low T (1)!

Praised by many, hated by few – this is basically the foundation of TestoFuel and it comes at an ideal dose of 2300 mg per serving!

What this amino acid does is it helps with the conversion of cholesterol into testosterone, through certain processes related to the Leydig cells located in your balls.

Other relevant scientific data also prove DAA’s effectiveness in the regulation of release and synthesis of testosterone and LH (luteinizing hormone) in males, both human and rat to be more precise (1.1)!

So even if you’re a bloody RAT, you’ve got a brilliant way to impress those long-tailed ladies bro!

TestoFuel review, vitamin D -sunshine
Sunshine and Vitamin D go hand in hand

Vitamin D3 (Increases T by 20%)

Dose per serving: 5000 UI

“Sunshine, sunshine reggae…” – apparently Mr. Bob Marley was onto something with this song. Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin”.

Want to know why? I bet you do!

Scientific data claims that men who take Vit D3 for 1 year see a 20% boost in their T levels (2)!

This essential nutrient is produced by the skin when it’s in contact with direct sunlight (not artificial light sources).

Chances are if you live somewhere in the cold north or generally in places with poor sunlight exposure, you might very well be deficient in this beautiful vitamin!

The correlation between Vitamin D3 supplementation and an increase in testosterone levels has been well documented in scientific papers (2.1).

Quite clearly folks, this is yet another trick up TestoFuel’s sleeve!

TestoFuel review, ingredients - oyster extract

Oyster Extract

Dose per serving: 100 mg

Oysters are and totally SHOULD be our close friends, we as men need them to be… manly!

They are truck-loaded with Zinc, quality protein, omega 3 & 6’s, amino acids, Magnesium – these shelled buddies really possess all the goods!

Zinc deficiency is directly connected to low testosterone and things like ED (erectile dysfunction). And there’s plenty of scientific evidence to support such claims (3)!

A perfect blend for primary male hormone enhancement indeed.

But Zinc especially is this ingredient’s main strength.

Zinc does not only take part in protein synthesis, but there’s more to it – or should I say less if you’re Zinc deficient!

TestoFuel review, ingredients - Ginseng

Asian Red Panax Ginseng

Dose per serving: 100 mg

Sounding Chinese, but it’s actually Korean, duh!

Anyway, this one’s been used for centuries by men looking to up their game so to speak.

For me personally, this is more of a way to assist in lifting your plane up, instead of areal testosterone-boosting ingredients.

Nonetheless,  Ginseng has been scientifically proven to work as a superb natural treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) (4).

TestoFuel review, ingredients - Fenugreek plant

Fenugreek (Increases T by 46%)

Dose per serving: 100 mg

Aha! Now, this is something I can work with.

One of the new players on the field, this one is growing in popularity by the minute.

Using Fenugreek as a supplement can improve your T levels by 46%, while also boosting your libido (5)!

There are folks who swear by its T-boosting effectiveness and I might just agree with them!

There have been researches conducted and guess what?

Fenugreek not only raises testosterone levels, but it also could potentially help to lower your body fat percentage (5.1)!

TestoFuel’s manufacturer took note and included this beauty in the formula.

Thank God they did!

TestoFuel review, dark chocolate - magnesium

Magnesium (Increases T by 25%)

Dose per serving: 200 mg

We’ve all been there, you know, those excruciating muscle cramps!

Blame lack of Mag in your muscles for that.

Since it’s responsible for muscle and nerve relaxation, also required for the proper function of over 300 different enzymes, this mineral is a MUST!

Research is conclusive – taking magnesium in combination with exercise can boost your free testosterone by almost 25% (6)!

If you have any common sense you will find this addition to the ingredient profile certainly a worthy one.

Just remember that this mineral is needed by your body to metabolize the big 3 – proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Also note that men with testosterone deficiency could very well benefit from extra Magnesium, according to this academical work (6.1).

TestoFuel review, milk - vitamin B6
Got milk? Milk = vitamin B6!

Vitamin B6

Dose per serving: 5 mg

Rather an essential vitamin for your bodily functions, most notably the regulation and production of your testosterone.

B6 also happens to be crucial for your hemoglobin and its production as well as the functionality of your immune system.

Studies show that when combined with two minerals – Zinc and Magnesium (TestoFuel contains both), Vitamin B6 can indeed improve T levels (7).

It’s nicely dosed here, making sure you’ve got plenty of it.

And don’t worry, vitamins from the B family are all water-soluble so you’ll excrete anything unneeded by your body.

TestoFuel review, blueberries - Vitamin K
Blueberries are jam-packed with Vitamin K

Vitamin K2

Dose per serving: 18 mcg

Far from the popularity of B vitamins, this is the more easily absorbed version of Vitamin K, the K2.

Besides the fancy naming, it could work in synergy with Vitamin D3 (already covered) to prevent artery calcification.

It seems that researchers have found that taking Menaquinone-4 (a form of Vitamin K2) can have a positive impact on the testosterone levels of rats (8).

Unfortunately, I doubt that you’re a rat so take this study with a grain of salt.

TestoFuel review, red meat - Zinc
Red meat provides lots of Zinc.

Zinc (Increases T by 92.8%)

Dose per serving: 10 mg

We already partially covered this mineral by listing the Oyster Extract, but let’s now focus on it exclusively.

A 1996 study shows that guys with slight Zinc deficiency saw a close to 93% boost in their T levels after supplementing with Zinc for a 6-month period (9).

As we already know, Zinc is quite vital for a lot of stuff, testosterone including!

Clear (scientific) evidence exists of Zinc’s ability to increase your testosterone, with an added bonus of an increased sperm count (9.1).

TestoFuel’s got exactly 10 mgs of Zinc per daily dose, which is precisely 100% of your generally recommended daily dose.

Perfectly fine, taking into account most multis got less than half of that amount.

TestoFuel review, two boxes of TestoFuel

This is How Long it Takes for TestoFuel to Work

Roughly a week in my case, but it ma4y vary from person to person.

Although the manufacturer’s recommendation is to take this testosterone booster for at least 2 months for best results.

Does that mean you won’t notice anything within the first month and even sooner? Of course not.

Sure you might get maximum results if you take TestoFuel for 2 months+.

That’s because your testosterone will be increasing over time.

Nonetheless, you will definitely feel things like more energy, strength, confidence, better mood etc. during the first month.

The shirtless guy can definitely benefit from using TestoFuel.

With so much lard on him, the chances are that his testosterone is probably on the lower side too!

TestoFuel review, fat shirtless man arguing
The shirtless guy can definitely benefit from using TestoFuel. With so much lard on him, the chances are that his testosterone is probably on the lower end of the spectrum!

TestoFuel Burns Fat Indirectly

This natural supplement can lower your body fat levels indirectly.


Easy – by boosting your natural T production!

You see, having higher testosterone levels coursing through your veins is not only good for adding more muscle mass.

But according to science, it can also suppress fat gain (10)!

And on top of that, researches also suggest that low testosterone and fat gain are related (11).

This means that thanks to TestoFuel’s proven T-boosting capabilities, you’ll be able to burn some inches off your belly!

Does TestoFuel Have Side Effects?

Generally, no.

It’s a safe and natural product that doesn’t contain anything banned, illegal or harmful.

You should be perfectly fine supplementing with TestoFuel unless you have some sort of shellfish allergy.

That’s because this product contains oyster extract, so read the label carefully!

I’m personally not allergic to shellfish so that wasn’t an issue for me.

The only noticeable sort-of unwanted reactions that I came across were over-the-top aggression at times and excessive horniness every now and then.

But you can read more about the potential adverse reactions of this T booster in my TestoFuel side effects post.

TestoFuel review, dosage

How to Take TestoFuel

The recommended dosage protocol is 4 capsules daily spread throughout the day.

This means that each bottle (120 capsules) will last you an entire month.

And you’ve no idea how awesome that is. I’m personally tired of rip-off testosterone boosters lasting only 15-20 days.

And this is how to take TestoFuel (according to the manufacturer) for optimal results:

  • 1 capsule at ~7 AM with breakfast
  • 1 capsule at ~10 AM with a snack
  • 1 capsule at ~1 PM with lunch
  • 1 capsule at ~6 PM with dinner

This ensures a balanced dosing protocol every day for max benefit.

Just don’t forget to take each dose with a meal as this helps with the proper absorption of the ingredients.

TestoFuel review, results - before and after

TestoFuel Results – Before & After Comparison

So, there are plenty of before & after images of TestoFuel online.

And while they’re meant to highlight the effectiveness of the product, to me they just look somewhat shady.

Don’t get me wrong – TestoFuel works and it’s a fabulous, safe and natural testosterone booster.

I just don’t like the fact that most (like 99%) of these guys who do before and after comparison pictures seem rather “biased” so to speak.

Clearly, they rely on the clever use of lighting, shadows, angles, post-workout pump etc.

Basically, anything to make them look crappier on the ‘before’ photo and great on picture #2 (the ‘after’ one).

I’ve already covered this in great detail if you want to read more about the TestoFuel results.

Now, this is a guy called Fredrick whose face is on the official site as well as part of user testimonials.

Apparently, he managed to increase his max bench press to 255 lbs and his squat to over 400 lbs in 4 months, thanks to TestoFuel.

That’s spectacular!

But if you look closer at his ‘Month 1’, ‘Month 2’ etc. photos (I’ve uploaded them above the video), you’ll notice several things.

Picture one (when he started using it) doesn’t do him justice.

Weird lightning and that pose just make him look worse.

Now, on pics #2 and #3, he manages to accentuate his core and muscle definition by clever use of angles and of course lightning.

However, that’s probably just marketing techniques.

The good looks great anyway and TestoFuel is a great enough T booster, so it’s all been forgiven.

TestoFuel review, special TestoFuel offer


TestoFuel Prices and Getting 1 Bottle For FREE

There are several options to choose from when you decide to buy TestoFuel. Here they are:

  • 1 box (120 capsules) – $65.00 (shipping adds around $8)
  • 2 boxes (240 capsules) – $138 (free shipping)
  • 3 boxes (360 capsules – $223 (1 free box, 2 free eBooks and free shipping)

Now, since the manufacturer recommends using TestoFuel for 2 months at the very least, it makes sense to order more boxes.

And if money ain’t an issue, you can go right ahead and buy the 3 boxes option, which includes 1 free box of TestoFuel.

TestoFuel review, thumbs up

The Pros of TestoFuel

Anyone with half a brain would immediately realize that TestoFuel’s reputation is ROCK solid.

Other men have tried it, loved it, and shared their testimonies.

However, this is Testosterone Nerd and I always take a look at things through MY lens!

Without further ado, I present to you the pros of TestoFuel:

  • Transparent ingredient profile – not hiding behind a proprietary blend (full formula disclosure)
  • No banned substances – 100% natural
  • Iron 90-day money-back guarantee (only if you buy 3 months worth of supply, obviously)
  • Superb reputation and consumer trust
  • Worldwide shipping from the US and UK
  • High quality and efficient ingredients
  • Created in cGMP-regulated facilities
  • Each bottle will last you exactly 30 days (unlike other modern boosters)
  • Easy to swallow capsules without horrid taste
  • Adequate and swift delivery with awesome customer support

Quite the list, isn’t it?

Those are the positives that I personally associate with this product.

I’ll take you on a ride to the other side of this supplement in a minute, don’t worry!

We always look at both the good and bad sides of products here.

The product itself arrives in a cool box with the typical for this booster orange-blue styling.

Inside it is the bottle itself, filled with 120 caps as everything is sealed nicely.

No fancy labeling or motivational speeches, but honestly who needs to read something in order to induce placebo-driven effects afterward?

Alright, brace yourselves as we’re entering the twilight zone!

TestoFuel review, thumbs down

The Cons of TestoFuel

There’s no product or service out there without flaws,


Does TestoFuel make an exception?

In short… NO, it does NOT!

That’s not to say it’s riddled with flaws, it’s just that I truly desire to list the things that caught my attention in a negative way!

I’m talking about aspects related to TestoFuel such as:

  • Only available online through TestoFuel’s site (can’t get it from a physical shop)
  • The 90-day money back guarantee only applies if you buy at least 3 bottles
  • Not the cheapest of T boosters out there
  • Recommended to take it with food – with my busy schedule I found that to be tricky
  • Some online reviews could be misleading – they’re afraid to list any cons

Overall I believe it’s safe to assume that The Pros far outweigh The Cons, especially in terms of actual relevance to testosterone boosting.

Sure folks, there are some unpleasant moments like the fact that you can’t really buy it in a physical supplement store, it’s not the cheapest out there etc.

What counts is the conclusive opinion though, formed by weighing the pros and the cons.

And most importantly, how YOU felt during your period on a particular product, in our case the one fueling your testosterone (captain obvious to the rescue)!

Time to bring down the final hammer of judgment now and announce my…

TestoFuel review, judge gavel

Final Verdict (4.5/5)

Yes, this IS a great testosterone booster.

Yes, it’s one of the better ones that I’ve tried myself over the years.

Yes, I’d recommend it to anyone interested in more testosterone through natural means.

It’s crystal clear that everything comes with a price though and sometimes cheaper things end up being more expensive in the long run.

Quality means upmarket prices, but I’m personally always willing to spend more on something if it does what it promises.

Get 1 Free Bottle of TestoFuel Now!

As men we crave that amazing hormone called testosterone, so does TestoFuel deliver the goods?

From my point of view, it does! It does a PRETTY good job at making you more manly, giving us a chance to unlock additional alpha male characteristics!

Now, have you ever tried TestoFuel yourself?

And if yes, were you satisfied with the results or not?

Leave a comment with your answer below!


What is Testofuel and what does it claim to do?

Testofuel is a natural testosterone booster supplement that claims to help increase testosterone levels in the body, leading to improvements in muscle growth, strength, energy, and performance.

It is marketed towards men who are looking to build muscle, improve their physique, and boost their overall physical performance.

What are the key ingredients in Testofuel?

The key ingredients in Testofuel include D-aspartic acid, vitamin D3, oyster extract, ginseng, fenugreek, magnesium, and zinc.

These ingredients have been selected for their ability to support testosterone production and release in the body, as well as their ability to improve muscle growth, strength, and recovery.

How do I take Testofuel and how long does it take to see results?

The recommended dosage for Testofuel is 4 capsules per day, taken with food.

It is best to take the supplement for at least 2 months to see the full effects, although some users report feeling an increase in energy and strength within a few weeks.

It is important to note that individual results may vary, and the effectiveness of the supplement may depend on various factors such as diet, exercise, and overall health.

Are there any side effects associated with Testofuel?

Testofuel is made from natural ingredients and is generally considered safe for use by healthy adults.

However, some users have reported experiencing mild side effects such as acne, increased aggression, and changes in mood.

It is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional before using any new supplement, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medication.

Is Testofuel worth the price?

Testofuel is priced higher than some other testosterone booster supplements on the market, but it also contains high-quality, natural ingredients that have been shown to support testosterone production and improve muscle growth and strength.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of the supplement may depend on various factors such as individual health and fitness goals.

It may be worth trying for those looking to improve their physical performance and overall well-being, but it is important to carefully evaluate the cost-benefit ratio and consult with a healthcare professional before use.

Is TestoFuel suitable for vegetarians/vegans?

Yes, TestoFuel is suitable for vegetarians and vegans as it does not contain any animal-derived ingredients.

Can women take TestoFuel?

TestoFuel is designed for men and is not recommended for women.

Women have naturally lower testosterone levels than men, and taking a testosterone booster may cause unwanted side effects.

How long can I use TestoFuel for?

TestoFuel can be used for as long as necessary to achieve your desired results.

However, it is important to take a break every few months to prevent the body from becoming accustomed to the supplement.

Where can I buy TestoFuel?

TestoFuel can be purchased directly from the manufacturer’s website or from authorized online retailers.

It is important to purchase from a reputable source to ensure that you are getting a genuine product.

simeon-slavchev, author-testosteronerd-mountains-285x300
Website |  + posts

I've been fascinated by natural male hormone optimization since 2016. And ever since I've been going through boatloads of different meta-analyses and scientific data associated with increasing testosterone levels naturally. I hold a PhD degree in public health and have 10+ scientific publications on Google Scholar. Thus, in my collective work here you'll find helpful tricks, natural remedies, detailed product reviews (including stuff I've personally tried)... and more!

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Although I'm a Ph.D., I'm not a medical doctor. The content on this websites is meant for educational and informational purposes only, it's not medical advice. The information and other content found on this website is not a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.