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Lifestyle Changes to Boost Testosterone Naturally for Men Over 50

Lifestyle Changes to Boost Testosterone Naturally for Men Over 50

As we get older, our testosterone goes down. Using testosterone therapy has some downsides, like more heart risks for some older guys. Many OTC boosters say they work, but we don’t have a lot of proof yet. It’s smart to learn about testosterone and different treatments before making any choices. Luckily, there are natural ways for men over 50 to boost their testosterone.

Here’s the real question: Can you boost your testosterone without drugs or supplements? You might be surprised by the answer. Changing your workout, diet, how you handle stress, and sleep can help your body make more testosterone. This means you can enjoy all the good things that come with healthy hormone levels.

Testosterone is super important for men’s health. It’s the main male hormone and does a lot for us. But, after 30, our bodies make less of it at 1% to 2% each year.1 More than a third of guys over 45 have low testosterone.1 This can cause muscle loss, low sex drive, tiredness, and mood swings.

Key Takeaways

  • As you get older, testosterone naturally drops, but you can help it naturally.
  • Working out, especially lifting weights and high-intensity training, boosts testosterone.
  • A diet with lots of protein, good fats, and antioxidants keeps testosterone up.
  • Reducing stress and sleeping well are key to keeping your hormones in check.
  • Avoid bad chemicals and cut back on alcohol for a natural testosterone boost.

Importance of Maintaining Healthy Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is vital for men, impacting many functions. This includes sex drive, muscle size, and bone strength. It boosts the growth of male features.2 Levels are highest during teenage years and early adulthood. But, after reaching ages 30 or 40, it drops about 1% yearly.1

After men reach 45, the fall speeds up to 1% to 2% a year.1 More than 33% of men over 45 have lower-than-normal testosterone levels.

Role of Testosterone in Male Health

Role of Testosterone in Male Health

Keeping testosterone levels high is important for men’s health and happiness.2 If testosterone lowers, men may see more body fat, weaker muscles, and fewer bones. It also affects mood, energy, and how well they think.2

Men with low testosterone might feel less motivated, sad, or find it hard to focus. They might also lose confidence.2

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

It’s crucial for men to know the signs of low testosterone, especially with aging. Key symptoms include2 less muscle,2 more body fat, and2 weaker bones. They might also feel less interested in sex, tired, or find it hard to focus.2 Awareness helps men deal with these issues early on, ensuring their health and well-being.

Exercise for Boosting Testosterone

Men see their testosterone levels drop as they get older. From peaking around 19 years, they start decreasing by 1%–2% each year after hitting 30.3 But, working out can help men naturally increase their testosterone levels. The best exercises for this are resistance training, like lifting weights, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Resistance Training and Weightlifting

When you lift weights, your body triggers more testosterone production.4 Men gain a lot of testosterone after a weight session, but women don’t get the same boost.4 This makes lifting weights the top way for men to pump up their testosterone levels in both the short and long run.4

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) also turns up the testosterone dial for men.4 Engaging in HIIT increased men’s free T levels in various studies.4 But, for women, HIIT might not be as beneficial, possibly decreasing their testosterone levels.4 Still, compared to longer, easier workouts like marathon running, HIIT is the better option for hormone health for both genders.4

Mixing resistance training and HIIT is a solid strategy for men over 50. It can help keep their testosterone levels up.34

Nutrition and Diet for Testosterone Support

A well-balanced diet is key for healthy testosterone levels. Choosing the right nutrients can boost hormone production. This helps fight the drop in testosterone that often comes with aging.

Protein-Rich Foods

Foods high in protein, like lean meats, eggs, and fish, aid in making testosterone.3 They are important for keeping your muscles strong and supporting your testosterone level.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats, found in nuts, seeds, and avocados, are also vital for making testosterone.3 These good fats help maintain the body’s hormone balance and lower inflammation, which can hurt testosterone.

Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Don’t forget about antioxidants from fruits and veggies.3 These foods, like berries, greens, and tomatoes, fight oxidative stress. This keeps your hormones in a healthy state.

Testosteronerd Recommends Testogen for Naturally Boosting T levels

Eating a lot of protein, good fats, and antioxidants can help men support their testosterone. It’s a proactive way to keep their hormone balance good.

Lifestyle Changes to Boost Testosterone Naturally in Men Over 50

As men get older, they naturally produce less testosterone. This can happen at a rate of 1% to 2% each year.1 By the time they are 45, more than a third of men might have low testosterone levels. This could cause them to lose muscle, feel irritable, get depressed, and have trouble with erections.1

Choosing a healthy lifestyle can increase testosterone without therapy. It’s crucial to stay at a healthy weight. This is because being overweight is strongly linked to low testosterone. Men who are obese might need testosterone therapy more than those at a good weight.1 Quitting smoking and cutting down on drinking also help. They help the body make the right amount of testosterone.5

It’s vital to keep stress low and sleep well. Too much stress can throw off your hormones. So can not getting enough sleep.5 Try to stay away from things that have chemicals known to affect hormones. These can be in stuff like plastics, some skincare items, and pesticides. They mess with how your body handles testosterone.5


Boost Testosterone Naturally in Men Over 50


Exercise that builds muscle is great for testosterone.1 Things like lifting weights and high-intensity workouts boost the hormone.3

Eating right is also key. Get enough protein, good fats, and lots of fruits and veggies. This helps your body make the testosterone it needs.1 But, lots of protein every day might actually lower your testosterone.1

Taking some vitamins or minerals can be useful too. Vitamin D, zinc, and DHEA have been found to be beneficial.15 Yet, always check with a doctor before you take any supplements.

By sticking to these lifestyle tips, guys over 50 can keep their testosterone levels up. This supports their health, energy, and mood for better living.

Stress Management and Cortisol Reduction

Feeling stressed out a lot can really mess with your testosterone levels.3 It makes your body produce too much cortisol, which lowers your testosterone.3 Plus, all that extra cortisol can make you gain weight. This makes things even worse. So, it’s key to handle your stress well to keep your testosterone in good shape.

Stress-Relieving Techniques

Doing things like working out can really help cut down on stress and boost testosterone.3 Mindfulness and meditation are great too. They lower stress and help control that cortisol.3

Mindfulness and Meditation

Adding mindfulness and meditation to your daily routine is a smart move. It’s great for kicking stress to the curb and supporting your testosterone.3 Lower stress levels means your body can make more testosterone on its own.3

Adequate Sleep for Testosterone Production

Getting enough high-quality sleep is key for healthy sleep and testosterone levels. Most testosterone is made when you’re in deep sleep, mainly during the REM stage. sleep optimization If you don’t get enough REM sleep, your testosterone might be low.6 Try to sleep 7-9 hours every night without waking up. This helps your body make testosterone naturally.3

As men get older, they make less testosterone at night. Men with sleep apnea show even less nighttime testosterone.6 Not getting enough REM sleep can also mess with your testosterone levels. Studies point to how sleep disruptions might affect this, especially as men age.6

Too little sleep or more than 9.9 hours can both reduce testosterone.3 What happens when you don’t sleep enough or work odd hours because of sleep issues has been looked into. It’s all about how your sleep affects your hormones.6

sleep and testosterone

Vitamin D and Testosterone Levels

Vitamin D is key for making testosterone. If men lack vitamin D, their testosterone can drop.7 The sun helps our bodies make vitamin D. But, older adults might not get enough sun. This can lead to a vitamin D shortfall.8

Sunlight Exposure

Spending time in the sun can up your vitamin D. This boosts testosterone. It’s harder for older men to make vitamin D from the sun. So, they should try to get more sunlight.8

Vitamin D Supplementation

Supplements can raise low vitamin D and boost testosterone.7 Men who don’t get enough sun should think about supplements. Taking 4,000 IU of vitamin D each day is often recommended.7

Avoiding Estrogen-Like Chemicals

Some chemicals act like estrogen and can lower testosterone. These are endocrine disruptors.9 BPA is in certain plastics, and parabens are in toiletries. They mess with the body’s hormones.9

Bisphenol-A (BPA)

BPA is often in plastic items like bottles and can linings. It might lower testosterone in men.9

Parabens and Other Endocrine Disruptors

Parabens are in things like makeup, lotion, and shampoo for a longer shelf-life. They, like BPA, disrupt the body’s hormones. This could affect how much testosterone you make.9 Also, chemicals in phthalates and pesticides can do the same to your testosterone and health.

Guys can keep their testosterone levels up by avoiding BPA and parabens. They should pick products that are BPA-free and use personal care things without parabens.9 Doing this helps your body make more testosterone and keeps hormones in check.

Excessive alcohol consumption can harm testosterone

Moderate Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can harm testosterone. But, moderate alcohol intake might not be so bad.3 Research shows that too much alcohol can lower testosterone levels. Your levels might drop only 30 minutes after drinking.3 Also, heavy drinking over a long time can hurt your testicles. This can lead to less testosterone being made.3

Cutting back on drinking is key for healthy testosterone levels. Aim for no more than two drinks daily.1 Keeping alcohol use moderate can help your body stay in balance. It prevents the harm of overdoing it.3


It’s important for men to keep their testosterone levels healthy as they grow older. Instead of risky medical treatments, they can make simple life changes. Changing their diet, how they exercise, managing stress, improving sleep, and avoiding harmful chemicals can boost their testosterone naturally. This leads to better health and energy.10 Focus should be on these changes rather than quick fixes like supplements.

Across the globe, obesity is becoming a big problem, but there’s hope.10 Research found that men who were overweight increased their testosterone through lifestyle changes. After a 12-week program, their testosterone levels went up.10 Those who were more active saw the biggest boosts. This shows how vital regular exercise is, especially for older men.

Exercise alone isn’t enough. Eating well and managing stress are also key. To keep testosterone levels healthy, it’s vital to avoid certain chemicals, cut back on alcohol, and ensure enough sleep. The journey to optimum testosterone involves many lifestyle changes. These all support the natural balance of the body’s hormones.


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I've been fascinated by natural male hormone optimization since 2016. And ever since I've been going through boatloads of different meta-analyses and scientific data associated with increasing testosterone levels naturally. I hold a PhD degree in public health and have 10+ scientific publications on Google Scholar. Thus, in my collective work here you'll find helpful tricks, natural remedies, detailed product reviews (including stuff I've personally tried)... and more!

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